Embedded Software Engineering 101
Chris Svec writes the Embedded Software Engineering 101 column (aka ESE101), focused on how microcontrollers work. For projects, his posts use the TI MSP430 LaunchPad dev kits (specifically the MSP-EXP430F5529LP), though the concepts apply for all embedded platforms. Chris writes about microcontroller basics, memory, interrupts, and timers - and more!
Read MoreBB-8's Lights
Continuing the Taking Apart Toys series, this post looks at LEDs in BB-8 using the continuity (beep) mode on a multimeter to trace out the circuit.
Read MoreTaking Apart Toys
This post is an index post and will be updated as the Taking Apart Toys series gets new posts.
Read MoreEmbedded Wednesdays. Thanks for the Memories.
Do you know your Flash from your FRAM?
This week Andrei looks at the various types of memory used in embedded systems.
See what you can remember in this weeks instalment of Embedded Wednesdays.
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Embedded Software Engineering 101: Microcontroller Basics
We’ll start our Embedded Software Engineering 101 journey with the humble microcontroller. The microcontroller (or microprocessor) is the fundamental building block of all computer systems, embedded or otherwise.
A microcontroller seems quite complicated, but it’s made up of three simple things: instructions, registers, and memory. Instructions are the things a microcontroller knows how to do. A simple microcontroller doesn’t know how to do much - it might only have 20 or 30 instructions. I’ll use the MSP430 microcontroller made by Texas Instruments later in this series, and it has only 27 instructions.
Read MoreWhat is a JTAG?
Sara, a listener of Embedded.fm and a fairly new embedded developer, asked about debuggers, JTAG, and IDEs.
Read MoreProgramming C Without Knowing Assembly
Today, we got a question regarding programming C and the necessity of knowing the assembly language of the processor that we are working on.
Read MoreLighting Up the Toys
Continuing the Taking Apart Toys series started last week, this post starts looking at LEDs using a multimeter.
Read MoreEmbedded Wednesdays. Programming Embedded Systems
What is the most popular language used for embedded systems programming?
I doubt that the answer will surprise many of you, but this week we look at the history, choices, and contenders in the embedded programming world.
Read MoreEmbedded Software Engineering 101: Introduction
I’m starting a series to teach embedded software engineering. We’ll start with a description of a basic microcontroller. Once you understand how a microcontroller works we’ll build on that until you’ll understand how a moderately complex embedded system like a Fitbit or Nest works.
I’m calling it Embedded Software Engineering 101, and it starts this week right here on this blog.
Read on for more background and details.
Read MoreEmbedded Wednesdays. And in the beginning there was blinkies!
In this initial Embedded Wednesdays post, we look at the question of What is an Embedded System?
We'll look what a microcontroller is, what is missing in an embedded system, and give a few examples for you to look out for.
Read MoreIntroducing the Toys
I'm writing a book about how to learn embedded software concepts by taking apart toys. This is the first chapter. I hope you enjoy it.
I talk to many engineering friends who say they took apart their toys (and everything else). I was not like that. I didn’t know it was possible to take objects apart. I definitely didn’t know how much I could learn. I never imagined how fun it would be.
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Device Security Checklist
I’ve wanted to find a checklist to identify what issues should be of concern as I design and develop products. I haven’t found one that works so I’ll take a stab at making one, assuming an internet of things (probably wearable) device, a phone application, and a cloud server of some sort.
Read MoreBlocking Patents With Open Source Prior Art
An Embedded.fm podcast listener asked a question on Twitter about using open source as prior art to block future patents. So, of course, I’m going to answer on a blog.
Read MoreCheating On Tests
Have you heard about the VW diesel emissions scandal? The software detects that the car is being tested for emissions and changes the engine to function more cleanly. When not being tested, the vehicles do not meet the US Environmental Protection Agency’s emission requirements.
I’m incensed at this. Oh, not because I own a VW (I don’t) or because I’m an environmentalist (I am). I’m angry because there is an embedded software engineer who wrote this code and allowed it to get released to production.
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