354: Better Snowmen in Finland
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354: Better Snowmen in Finland
Becky Worledge of the Qt Company (@qtproject) spoke with us about application frameworks, organizing large code bases, and automotive regulations.
The best place to get started with Qt is the getting started page: doc.qt.io/qt-5/gettingstarted.html
Or skip that and head straight for the code: github.com/qt
Maybe backtrack to see what is available: qt.io/product/features
Hmm, was there talk of Qt and Python? PySide was it? qt.io/qt-for-python
But wait, Qt for MCU? What platforms are supported? QtForMCUs/qtul-supported-platforms.html
Finally, don’t get eaten by a Grue, sense when they are coming: doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtsensors-grue-example.html
Qt6 is coming out Dec 2020. So maybe replace all the qt-5 in the links with qt-6 to see if it is ready yet!
Oh, and Qt is hiring: qt.io/careers
The quote at the end is not from Abraham Lincoln. (Quote Investigator). Still a good thought.